Endothelial Dysfunction in the Development of Systemic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome in Acetic Acid Poisoning


  • Kuvatov Zoxid Xayitovich Bukhara Branch Of The Republican Scientific Center For Emergency Medical Care




Acute food poisoning of the criminal code and its derivatives incapacitates a number of organs. At the same time, the CC and its derivatives, which are the cause of this kind of dysfunction, directly affect the pathogenesis. Hypoxia attacks with poisoning of the CC and its derivatives can cause inflammatory processes throughout the body, and even in those parts of it that are not directly affected by the CC and / or its derivatives. The body's resistance to inflammatory begins to flow intensively, anti-inflammatory functions of the body, cytokines and kinins are activated; vascular resistance decreases, and blood viscosity increases, thereby increasing the likelihood of thrombus and microthrombosis. (107,108). Inflammatory processes due to poisoning with CC and / or its derivatives are associated with the launch of proteolysis in the body, which proceeds in parallel with the clotting process


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How to Cite

Xayitovich, K. Z. . (2023). Endothelial Dysfunction in the Development of Systemic Inflammatory Reaction Syndrome in Acetic Acid Poisoning. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(2), 65–68. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijhsms.v2i2.1100


