Varieties, Sowing Times and Planting the Influence of Schemes on the Productivity of Cabbage
In the experiment, in comparison with the planting schemes of the white cabbage variety and hybrid, when seedlings were planted on June 15, the mass of cabbage was 113.7 - 110.8% for the Sharkiya-2 variety and 107.3 - 109.4% for the Geant F1 hybrid. The yield of variety Sharkiya-2 (30/VI) was 64.5 t/ha with a planting pattern of 70x50 cm and 68.7 t/ha with a planting pattern of 90x30 cm (July 30) was higher by 13.5 and 10.6% respectively, in the variant planted on a plot of 90x30 cm (July 15), compared with the control. Hybrid Geant F1 (July 30) had the highest yield by 7.4 and 9.0% in the sowing schemes when seedlings were planted on June 15.
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