Factors Causing Postpartum Endometritis in Cows, their Biological and Etiopathogenetic Characteristics
Pedigree cow, endometritis, purulent-catarrhal, infertility, cervicitis, ovarian dysfunction, injuries, etiology, purulent-catarrhal endometritis of bacterial and fungal etiology, opportunistic microorganisms.Abstract
During a clinical examination of 82 cows from farms in the winter months, 15 (18.82%) of them are cows, 30 (23.43%) of 125 cows that gave birth in the spring months, 6 (7.21%) of 82 cows in the spring months . in the summer months in cows and in the autumn months in 8 out of 96 cows (6.49%) and in the analysis of endometritis processes by species, 59 animals (15.3%) were infected, of which 31 animals (52.5%) had purulent catarrhal endometritis, in 15 animals (25.4%) purulent catarrhal endometritis of bacterial and fungal etiology was noted, and in 13 animals (22%) catarrhal processes of endometritis were noted.
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