Research on the Quality and Safety of Agricultural Products, Export Analysis Based on the Requirements of International Standards
agriculture, agricultural products, product quality and safety, export, international standardAbstract
This article provides an analytical review of the state and possibility of growing, processing and the need to increase the volume of exports of agricultural products to the world market, in particular European countries, based on the requirements of international standards. The main factors and requirements affecting the quality and safety of agricultural products grown and exported are analyzed. The criteria for quality and safety of tomatoes and melons, which are one of the main potential types of products for export, are highlighted. Based on the analysis and research, recommendations and proposals have been prepared.
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Muminov N.Sh. Qishloq huzhaligi hamda ozik-ovkat mahsulotlarini sifat va havfsizligini ham6a export of salohiyatini oshirish imkoniyatlari. TCTI. Kimyo va oziқ-ovkat mahsulotlarining sifati va ҳavfsizligini taminlashda innovation technologylar Khalkaro ilmiy-technicaviy conference tezislar tўplami. Tashkent - 2022 7-13 betlar.
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