Influence of Watering and Fertilizing Norms on the Yield of White Cabbage


  • Shokirov Alisher Joraboevich Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Vegetables, fruits crops and ITI of potato cultivation
  • Shakirov Khahramon Jo'raboevich B.x.f.d., professor, Tashkent state Agrarian University



Influence of watering and fertilizing norms on the yield of white cabbage.

In three-factor experiments conducted in 2012-2015, the average weight of cabbage in all variants was in the range of 3.26-2.70 kg, the difference of which was 120.7%. The yield of the Saratoni variety is 65.6 t/ha with a control irrigation regime of 70-70% and the application of recommended (N 150 P 150 K 100 kg/ha) mineral fertilizers, an irrigation regime of 80-80%, and with nitrogen (N 250 kg/ha) /ha) norm (81.1 t/ha) was 23.6% higher than the control, and 113.0 and 126.7% higher than the control in the hybrid W61-19 F1 at 80-80% irrigation regime in both fertilization rates. With an increase in productivity, the cost of 1 ton of products decreased by 16.8% for all options. The level of profitability by options was: 37.8-51.4% for the Saratoni variety and 45.7-61.6% for the W61-19 F1 hybrid.

In increasing the yield, the importance of irrigation was stronger than that of mineral fertilizers.


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How to Cite

Joraboevich, S. A. ., & Jo’raboevich, S. K. . (2022). Influence of Watering and Fertilizing Norms on the Yield of White Cabbage. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 1(5), 106–111.




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