Innovative Approaches to Livestock Development in New Uzbekistan


  • Sultanova Shahloxan Fayzullaevna Master student of the Karakalpak Agricultural and Agrotechnological Institute
  • Jenghisbaeva Dilnaz Bakhadirovna Samarkand state veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and biotechnologies Nukus branch of the university student
  • Jumabaev Ali Bayrambay uli Samarkand state veterinary medicine, animal husbandry and biotechnologies Nukus branch of the university student



livestock, decision, product, feed base, subject, breeding, subsidy


The article describes the reforms implemented in the livestock sector in the Republic of Uzbekistan. It was mentioned about the decisions taken on the development of animal husbandry and the allocated funds. The contribution of animal husbandry to the provision of food shortages in the republic and the results achieved in this regard were mentioned. The achievements in the development of breeding work and strengthening of the feed base are shown.


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How to Cite

Fayzullaevna, S. S. . ., Bakhadirovna, J. D. . ., & uli, J. A. B. . . (2022). Innovative Approaches to Livestock Development in New Uzbekistan. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 1(5), 97–99.


