The Genus Ferula L. in the Flora of Jizzakh Region


  • Salahiddinov Shamsiddin Master of the 2nd year of the Department of Biology and Physiology of Plants, Bukhara State University
  • Yarkulova Zulayho Associate Professor of the Department of Biology and Physiology of Plants, Bukhara State University



flora, genus Ferula L, distribution, economic importance


The genus Ferula - Ferula L. belongs to the umbrella family - Apiaceae Lindl. (Umbelliferae). There are about 185 species in the genus, distributed almost exclusively in the region of Ancient Middle-earth. The maximum number of species in Central Asia and adjacent areas of Iran and Afghanistan. There are 105 species in Central Asia, 35 in Kyrgyzstan, 36 in Tajikistan, and 48 in Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite

Shamsiddin , S. ., & Zulayho , Y. . (2022). The Genus Ferula L. in the Flora of Jizzakh Region. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 1(5), 36–40.


