Study of Some Qualitative Traits Of Some Salmon Products Imported Into Iraq


  • Nadia Yasser Karim
  • Moataz Faisal Ghazi University of Baghdad, Iraq



Qualitative Characteristics, Total Volatile Nitrogen, Ph, Trimethylamine, Myoglobin Pigment


This study was conducted on 12/19/2021 on salmon products imported to Iraq, which are whole fish with the head and tail removed, slices, rings, fingers, and cubes for the purpose of determining the physical characteristics of these products and to determine their suitability for human consumption. The products were obtained from K.F. M Marine Fish, the exclusive agent in Iraq, and all products were one meal and one date, and the product was valid from 10/5/2021 until 7/4/2022, and the results were as follows: -The results of the qualitative characteristics of total volatile nitrogen (TVN), pH, and trimethylamine (TMA) were within permissible limits, and myoglobin pigment concentrations were low in imported salmon fish products.


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How to Cite

Karim , N. Y., & Ghazi, M. F. (2024). Study of Some Qualitative Traits Of Some Salmon Products Imported Into Iraq. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 3(3), 219–227.


