Enhancing Egg Quality in Molting Hens Through Dietary Manganese Supplementation
Manganese, Egg quality, Forced molting, Laying hensAbstract
This study explores the application of a fasting program to enhance molting and vitality in Lohman brown hens, with a focus on the impact of dietary manganese on egg quality. Forced molting was induced in 120 hens, divided into five groups (T1, T2, T3, T4, T5), with manganese sulfate added to their feed at concentrations of 0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mg/kg, respectively. The research aimed to determine the optimal manganese level for improving egg quality parameters such as eggshell relative weight, eggshell height, albumin index, yolk index, and the percentage of broken and abnormal eggs. The results showed significant improvements in all measured parameters in the manganese-supplemented groups compared to the control group, highlighting the beneficial effects of manganese on egg quality during the molting process. These findings suggest that incorporating manganese into the diet can effectively enhance egg production quality in molting hens, providing a practical approach for poultry management.
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