Tillage Method and Plow Type Impact on Corn Growth and Yield


  • Sabah Mahdi Jassim Al-Mussaib Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Najaf, Kufa.
  • Hamed Ajil Habib Al-Mussaib Technical Institute, Al-Furat Al-Awsat Technical University, Al-Najaf, Kufa.


Tillage Method, Plow, Physical Soil Traits, Growth, Corn Plant, Bohuth 106 Cultivar


This autumn season (2021) field experiment investigated the impact of three plow types (Chisel, Moldboard, Disc) and three plow methods (once, twice perpendicular, three times) on soil physical properties and the growth and yield of Bohuth 106 corn cultivar. Results revealed significant superiority of the Chisel plow in enhancing moisture content, mean weight diameter, water conductivity, and seed germination percentage, followed by Moldboard and Disc plows. Tillage twice emerged as the most effective method, showing superior performance across measured traits. Chisel plow treatments exhibited averages of 15.1% moisture content, 1.40 g/cm³ bulk density, 0.82 mm mean weight diameter, 12.2 cm/min water conductivity, 166.8 kPa.m² soil penetration, 87.7% seed germination, 173.4 cm plant height, 47.7 cm² leaf area, and 7.160 tons/ha total grain yield. These findings underscore the importance of tillage method and plow type selection in optimizing soil physical properties and crop performance, providing valuable insights for agricultural practices aiming at sustainable crop production.


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How to Cite

Jassim, S. M., & Habib, H. A. (2024). Tillage Method and Plow Type Impact on Corn Growth and Yield. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 3(3), 140–150. Retrieved from https://inter-publishing.com/index.php/IJBEA/article/view/3525


