Utilizing Spectral Reflectance for Separating Salinity-Affected Sedimentary Soil Units and Predicting Some of Their Properties in Northern Basra Governorate
Spectral reflectance, spectral bands, DEM, Alluvial soilsAbstract
The study aimed to separate soil units and predict some of their properties using geomatics techniques and spectral reflectance analysis in the northern part of Basra Governorate in southern Iraq through spectral reflectance study. Chemical properties (Ece, pH, O.C, CEC, CaCO3, ESP, CEC) and physical properties (particle size distribution) were studied, in addition to the assumed composition of prevailing salts in the study area. Three sedimentary soil units were identified (river terraces, river basins, and marshes). Furthermore, there were significant correlations between spectral reflectance of spectral bands 4 and 5 and soil organic carbon content of 0.75 and 0.8, respectively, and with other spectral bands except bands 2 and 8. There were significant relationships between other properties and different spectral bands. Notably, there were no significant correlations between pH, ESP, CaCO3, CaSO4, and all spectral bands. The most predictable soil property through spectral reflectance is the soil's organic carbon content. Bands 4 and 5 are the most commonly used in soil science, especially in agriculture.
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