The Benefits of Mother's Milk in the Development of the Child's Body


  • Raxmatova Ma’suma Umarovna Termiz State University, teache


vitamins, proteins, oils, micronutrients: copper, iron, cobalt, carbohydrates, immune cells,, cleanliness


In this article, information is given about the highest characteristics of mother's milk,
that is, the shining light of love. As we know, mother's milk is nature for the first-born baby. It is the
most priceless gift, a source of kindness, and nutritious food It is explained that a child fed with
mother's milk is compassionate and embodies information about growing up with human qualities.

vitamins, proteins, oils, micronutrients: copper, iron, cobalt, carbohydrates, immune
cells, cleanliness, mother's milk


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How to Cite

Umarovna, R. M. . (2024). The Benefits of Mother’s Milk in the Development of the Child’s Body. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 3(1), 29–32. Retrieved from




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