Impact of Biofertilization Treatments on The Growth of Different Cultivars of Flax (Linum usitatissimum L.)
Biofertilization, growth, Flax, Linum usitatissimum LAbstract
During the winter season of 2022-2023, a field experiment was carried out in the Al-Mahawil region of Babylon province to determine the effect of biological Fertilization on the development of several flax kinds. The experiment incorporated two variables: first, three distinct varieties of flax (Giza 8, Indian, Polony), and second, four levels of biological Fertilization. (azotobacter bacteria, mycorrhizal fungi, azotobacter + mycorrhizal fungi, without addition). The outcomes were as follows: The field was organized in accordance with a wholly randomized block design with three replications. The treatment containing Azotobacter and mycorrhizal organisms exhibited notable improvements in the following parameters: plant height (in centimeters), number of primary branches (plant branch-1), number of capsules (plant capsule-1), and number of seeds in the capsule (seed capsule-1). The maximum values were obtained for the weight of 1000 seeds (g), the percentage of oil in the seeds (%), and the number of plant containers (66.30, 88.32 cm, 4.91 branches, 8.74 Ή³, 10.78 g, 44.51%). The Giza 8 cultivar exhibited a marked advantage over the remaining varieties across all the characteristics that were examined. The cultivar known as Giza 8 was shown to have a considerable advantage over the other kinds in all of the characteristics that were investigated. The interaction treatment (Azotobacter bacteria + mycorrhizal fungi + Giza 8 cultivar) performed significantly better in terms of plant height (cm), number of main branches (plant branch-1), number of capsules (plant capsule-1), and number of seeds in the capsule (Seed capsule-1). The best results were achieved by calculating the weight of 1000 seeds (g) and the percentage of oil in the seeds (%). The values obtained were as follows: 91.00 cm, 5.19 branches, 68.44 plant capsules -1, 8.92 plant seeds -1, 11.29 g, and 44.85%.
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