Response of Various Lettuce Varieties (Lactuta Sativa L.) to Fe Micro Fertilizer in Hydroponic Cultivation Systems
Fe Fertilizer, Hydroponics, Lettuce, VarietiesAbstract
commodities will continue to increase in line with the increase in population. Micronutrients in plants play a very important role in plant production and productivity. Among the micronutrients found in plants is the nutrient element Iron (Fe). Iron (Fe) is a cofactor of around 140 enzymes which function to analyze biochemical reactions and is a very important element for plant growth. This research aims to design a technology package for cultivating lettuce plants through Integrated Plant Management (PTT). This research used a split plot design based on a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications consisting of two treatment factors. Namely the first factor as the main plot, namely: providing the type of nutrition (N) and the second factor as the sub-plot, namely: variety. The response of various lettuce varieties to various Mikto Fe fertilizer applications had a significant effect on plant height, leaf width, leaf length, number of leaves and root length. Red and Romaine lettuce varieties are lettuce varieties that respond positively to Micro Fe fertilizer treatment. The provision of various Fe micronutrients to various lettuce varieties had a significant effect on all observed parameters. EDDHA Single Fe micronutrient is the best Fe micronutrient. The interaction between lettuce varieties and Fe micronutrients did not provide much interaction with the observed parameters, only the root length parameter showed a real influence. The interaction of Romaine lettuce varieties with EDDHA Single Fe microorganisms tends to provide the best results
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