Study the Heaith and Nutritional Benefits of the Maiiow Piant
Malva, health benefits, minerals, Phenolic compounds, nutritional benefitsAbstract
Since the beginning of time, many civilizations have used medicinal plants to treat a wide range of diseases. recently, there has been a renewed emphasis on research into therapeutic plants. being natural, the plant-based medical system does not present any significant risks. plants contain phytochemicals, which are known to have biologically beneficial effects. Malva is a genus of about 30 species. although humans have brought the plants to every continent but the two poles, they originally grew in Eurasia and North Africa.. The traditional usage of plant in the preparation of pharmaceutical compounds and the treatment of various ailments can help us understand the true source of the substances used to make antibiotics and other therapeutic agents. humans have long utilized plants within the family Malvaceae which belongs to the Malva genus. they serve as a significant source of nutrients and are also widely utilized in medicine and food indentries .This study focuses on the health and nutritional benefits of mallow plant.
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