Efficiency Comparison of Serum Plate Agglutination Test and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay in Diagnosis of Mycoplasma gallisepticum in Broiler Chickens
broiler, Mycoplasma gallisepticum, CRD, ELISA, SPAAbstract
Mycoplasma is one of the smallest free-living Microorganism, it can reproduce independently. Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) infects chickens causing chronic respiratory disease (CRD) which leads to sever economic losses, CRD clinical signs include coughing, rales, sneezing, nasal discharges, dyspnea, and conjunctivitis with a frothy ocular exudate, anorexia, decreased feed conversion, high mortality, medication costs and carcass condemnations. This study was conducted to compare the efficiency of Serum Plate agglutination (SPA) test and Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Essay (ELISA) , in the diagnosis of MG. 180 blood samples were collected from broilers (4-6) weeks old who had a CRD symptoms, from 1st /12/2022 to 28th/2/2023. ELISA and SPA test were performed to detect the presence of antibodies against MG in the serum of blood samples. Seroprevalence of MG by SPA test was 75/180(41.6%),by ELISA it was 77/180 (42.7%). The sensitivity and specificity of SPA were (81,81% and 76%) respectively and for ELISA it were (90.9% and 78.4%) respectively. We found both test has a degree of efficiency but false results effect the degree of confidence in them so they use for initial flock screening and their results should be confirmed by Isolation or PCR. SPA test is faster and completely inexpensive wen compare with ELISA and other tests used for MG detection.
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