Theoretical Foundations of The Concept, Classification and Optimization of Commercial Banks' Income and Expenses


  • Nabiyev Muzaffar Abdumalikovich
  • Khalimjonov is the son of Nurillo Abdurasul 2nd stage Master of Accounting and Auditing



Bank, cost, estimate, operational, process, commercial, money, credit, influencing factor, market, provard, production, situation, account, report, analysis, profit, account, credit system.


In the article, the theoretical basis of the concept, classification and optimization of the income and expenses of commercial banks and the processes of income and expenses in banks are organized. Banks carry out their operating expenses within the framework of the estimated allocations approved and reported by their main bank for one year. Bank's operating expenses According to the estimate, the head of the bank disposes of the loans. The head of the bank has the right to issue an order on the bank and entrust the right to dispose of estimate assignments to his deputy.



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How to Cite

Nabiyev Muzaffar Abdumalikovich, & Khalimjonov is the son of Nurillo Abdurasul. (2023). Theoretical Foundations of The Concept, Classification and Optimization of Commercial Banks’ Income and Expenses. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(9), 73–77.