The Importance of Stimulators in Their Rooting in Propfgation of Red Plants from Green Cuttings


  • Adilov Hikmatilla Abdukhalilovich Associate Professor of Tashkent State Agrarian University
  • Nortojiyev Bobosher Sheralievich Associate Professor of Tashkent State Agrarian University
  • Reypnazarova Gulperiyzat Nukusbaevna Doctoral student of Tashkent State Agrarian University



Red plant, varieties, temperature, stem, cuttings, stimulant


The scientific article aims to study the effect of various stimulants on rooting in the conditions of Tashkent region in the reproduction of seedlings of Vlademirskiy, Red star, Helen varieties from green cuttings. It was found that Energen and Extra stimulators, which had a positive effect on the rooting of green cuttings of Vlademirsky, Red star, Helen varieties, were highly effective in our experiments.


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How to Cite

Abdukhalilovich, A. H. ., Sheralievich, N. B. ., & Nukusbaevna , R. G. . (2023). The Importance of Stimulators in Their Rooting in Propfgation of Red Plants from Green Cuttings. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(9), 37–42.