Thickness of Winter Wheat Seedlings and Physical Properties of Soil


  • Juraev Akmaljon Normukhamadovich Associate Professor of the Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agricultural Technologies
  • Toshmatov Dostonbek student of the Faculty of Agrobiology



row spacing, tillage, irrigation erosion, soil, winter wheat, seedling thickness, mineral fertilizers, plants, option, return


This article highlights the effect of sowing winter wheat on the density and porosity of the soil under the conditions of typical gray soils in the Tashkent region with different soil tillage and two different seeding rates.


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Турсунов Х., Жўраева Ҳ., Жўраев А.Н. The effect of rice sowing on the seedling method for different periods planting pattern and the number of seedlings // Journal. Psychology and education ISSN:00333077 (2021) 58 (1): 5517-5525




How to Cite

Normukhamadovich, J. A. ., & Dostonbek , T. . (2023). Thickness of Winter Wheat Seedlings and Physical Properties of Soil. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(9), 31–33.