Bioecology of Pasture Grasshopper and Biological Effectiveness of Chemical Preparations Against It


  • Khaytmuratov Arslanbek Faizullaevich Doctor of agricultural sciences, Termiz Institute of Agrotechnologies and Innovative Development, Termiz, Uzbekistan



Turanian Prus, adult phase, larvae, egg cod, egg, bioecology, habitat, optimum temperature, nutrient medium, favorite plant, the area of distribution


The article presents the results of experiments on the study of bioecology, the development of the bogarny prus, and based on the results of the experiment conducted against larvae of different ages, Imidashans plus is recommended, sk. 0.1-0.15 l/ha. and Imidashans, VRK (200 g/l). 0.07-0.1 l/ha. in the specified rate of consumption in pastures of the southern and central regions of the Republic of Uzbekistan.


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How to Cite

Faizullaevich, K. A. . (2023). Bioecology of Pasture Grasshopper and Biological Effectiveness of Chemical Preparations Against It. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(6), 19–22.


