Sprinkling Powder Fire Extinguishing Compounds into Fire Containers and Enhancing Effective Fire Extinguishing


  • Mansurov Bakhodir Mirdjalilovich Independent Researcher at Academy of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, Republic of Uzbekistan




Currently, there are 7.5-8 million fires every year in 193 countries, resulting in 85-90 thousand fatalities. Additionally, the material damage totals billions of dollars. Statistics show that both the number of fires and the amount of material damage they cause are rising. The fire also has a significant negative effect on the environment's ecology. The prevention and suppression of fires, enhancing the effectiveness of emergency rescue operations, updating fire-technical and rescue equipment, and inventing new fire-fighting equipment are all areas where scientists throughout the world are conducting scientific and research work.


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How to Cite

Mirdjalilovich, M. B. (2022). Sprinkling Powder Fire Extinguishing Compounds into Fire Containers and Enhancing Effective Fire Extinguishing. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 1(4), 13–17. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbea.v1i4.125