Intervention of Bacterial Diseases in Poultry


  • Elmurodov B. A. Veterinary Research Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Samarkand City
  • Navruzov N. I. Veterinary Research Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Samarkand City
  • Kiyamova Z. N. Veterinary Research Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan Samarkand City



Poultry, bacteria, causative agents, pathomorphology, colibacteriosis, pasteurellosis, pullorosis


The organism of chicken infected with individual pathogens exhibits relatively simple pathoanatomical modifications in the presence of two or three separate bacterial pathogens. It is advised to examine these disorders pathologically because it might be quite challenging to separate these diseases from one another based just on clinical symptoms. Bacteriological infections in poultry have extremely complicated clinical symptoms and pathomorphological modifications that set them apart from other illnesses. However, if the pathologoanatomical investigations are thoroughly examined, the diseases will be accurately detected in time, making it feasible to start preventing them right away.


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How to Cite

B. A., E., N. I., N., & Z. N., K. (2022). Intervention of Bacterial Diseases in Poultry. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 1(4), 8–12.