The Influence of the Principal's Leadership and Work Motivation on Teacher Performance at SD Inpres Dimembe District
Education, Teacher performance, leadership managementAbstract
The purpose of this study was to obtain the results of the analysis and interpretation of the influence of the principal's leadership on the performance of SD Inpres teachers in Dimembe District, the influence of work motivation on the performance of SD Inpres teachers in Dimembe District, the influence of principal leadership and work motivation together on performance. teacher at the Inpres Elementary School in the Dimembe District. The method in this study is to use quantitative research. There are 7 Inpres schools in Dimembe District, North Minahasa Regency. The Inpres Elementary School in Dimembe District is a level of education managed by the government. From the initial monitoring of researchers in these schools there is still a shortage of teaching staff and minimal learning facilities so that teachers have not received challenges in the learning process, there are still teachers who arrive late and leave not on time. A good school can be seen from the performance of the teachers who are in it, for this reason the teacher's performance needs to be considered properly because good teacher performance will determine the success or failure of the school in achieving its goals.