
  • Announcement New Platform


    Dear Authors,

    We would like to inform you that this journal platform [] is no longer accepting article submissions.

    For future submissions, we invite you to use our new platform at [] or you can also submit your articles via email to [email protected].

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and look forward to continuing our collaboration with you on our new platform.

    Thank you for your attention and understanding.

    Best regards,

    Read more about Announcement New Platform
  • Editorial Transition Announcement


    We are pleased to announce that as of 2024, this journal has undergone an editorial transition aimed at enhancing the management and ensuring that published articles meet the highest quality standards.

    This transition is undertaken with the objective of strengthening the integrity of this journal as a platform for high-quality scientific publication. A new editorial team has been assigned to meticulously manage the article review and editing process, ensuring that each contribution published meets the stringent criteria set forth.

    We are committed to reinforcing the reputation of this journal as a reliable and high-quality source of information for the scientific community. We also extend our gratitude to all authors, reviewers, and readers who have supported us thus far.

    It is our hope that with these changes, this journal will continue to serve as a respected venue for sharing valuable knowledge and research.

    Thank you for your attention.

    The Editorial Team

    Read more about Editorial Transition Announcement