Creation of Flower Varieties in the Process of Selection


  • Rakhmatov Anvar Mamatovich Senior researcher of the research institute of vegetables, rice crops and potatoes, Ph.D.



salad turnip, variety samples, individual selection, leaf, root


According to the survey results "Gulshod" which is suitable for salads, varieties of turnips, and turnip leaves was delivered to the state to test varieties of products and delivery to the commission the state department and to try varieties of reference of the commission on payments received This in conjunction with the film under these crops in the open field and repeated in the spring term of temporary and term specific terms of planting developed. Planting period effects on the biochemical composition of the plant have been studied.


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How to Cite

Mamatovich, R. A. . (2023). Creation of Flower Varieties in the Process of Selection. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(3), 7–9.


