Dichotomy “Husband-Wife” in a Diachronic Context: Pragmatic Aspect


  • L. R. Akhmedshina Mirzo Ulugbek National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


verbalization of the husband-wife dichotomy, gender roles, pragmatic features, diachronic analysis, non-binary, evolution of social norms and values, social and religious norms


The article explores the pragmatic features of the verbalization of the husband-wife dichotomy in a diachronic aspect. It is based on the linguistic analysis of historical data and combines linguistic, cultural and pragmatic research methods. The purpose of the article is to analyze the evolution of the ways of expressing and using language in relation to the male and female in the Russian language over time, to identify changes in socio-cultural perceptions and roles of husbands and wives. The article focuses on new trends in the verbalization of the husband-wife dichotomy, which reflect changes in modern society and the desire for equality, as well as on the pragmatic features of the use of these constructions. The study emphasizes the importance of taking into account the socio-cultural context and pragmatic factors in the analysis and interpretation of gender constructions. Particular attention is paid to changes in the use of gender-oriented constructions in the socio-cultural context, as well as what changes in social values and stereotypes about gender are reflected in the verbalization of husband-wife. This includes an analysis of the emergence of new forms of gender designation, which offer more flexible and neutral options that correspond to modern ideas about gender identity and equality. It is also worth noting that the article examines the pragmatic semantics of gender constructions, highlights contextual factors affecting the interpretation and use of these constructions, such as social status, degree of intimacy, cultural norms and other factors. This article is an important contribution to the study of the verbalization of the husband-wife dichotomy in a diachronic aspect. It allows us to see the evolution and changes in the use of appropriate language constructions over time and emphasizes the need to take into account the socio-cultural context and pragmatic factors in the study of this problem.


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How to Cite

Akhmedshina, L. R. . (2024). Dichotomy “Husband-Wife” in a Diachronic Context: Pragmatic Aspect. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 3(1), 114–117. Retrieved from https://inter-publishing.com/index.php/IJLLAL/article/view/3365


