Developing EFL learners’ Listening Comprehension through Listening Strategy Instruction
listening strategy instruction, listening comprehension, EFL Iraqi learners.Abstract
This study investigated the impact of explicit listening strategy instruction on EFL learners' listening comprehension. It is an attempt to shed light on how explicit teaching of listening strategies can develop EFL Iraqi learners' listening comprehension. This study conducted an experimental design with pre- and post-test procedures. 60 Iraqi EFL learners in their fourth year in the Department of English Language at the university level were chosen randomly to participate in the study. The participants were assigned into two groups: experimental group (N = 30) and control group (N = 30). Unlike the latter, the former received explicit listening strategy instruction. For data collection, the Cambridge IELTS listening test was employed. The listening tests were given to both groups before and after the intervention. The experiment lasted for eight weeks i.e. two hours per week. According to the results, it has been shown that listening strategy instruction had a powerful impact on developing Iraqi EFL learners' listening comprehension. That is, the findings suggested that explicit strategy instruction improves EFL learners' listening comprehension.
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