Issues of Reproducing Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Pun in Translations of the Tragedy "King Lear" by William Shakespeare


  • Mizrabova Jeren Ismailovna Docent, Bukhara state university



Shakespeare, King Lear, pun, linguo-poetic analysis, translation, original, homonym, polysemy, antonymy, antithesis, homoform, phonetic properties, translator, original text, translated text


This article is devoted to the study of the peculiar linguistic and stylistic features of the pun in W. Shakespeare's tragedy "King Lear" and the problems of ways of recreating it in translation. Also, generalization the main directions of the factors of identification in the study of a pun and the problems of translating this stylistic device, some methods of translation are considered, analysis of the translation of a word play from the work of W. Shakespeare are given, the difficulties and basic techniques associated with the transformation of a pun into Russian and Uzbek are studied.

The scientific article studies the structure of puns inherent in the style of W. Shakespeare, the problem of reproducing linguo-poetic aspects of puns built on homonymy, polysemy, or antonymy in Uzbek and Russian translations. Also, the problems of reproducing the originality of images, connotations, background, and the style of the author or the form of the author's puns, the phonetic and graphic properties of the original in translation are investigated.


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How to Cite

Ismailovna, M. J. . (2023). Issues of Reproducing Linguistic and Stylistic Features of Pun in Translations of the Tragedy "King Lear" by William Shakespeare. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(9), 84–88.