The Use of the Technology “Flipped Classroom” for Teaching Sociocultural Competence of Spanish Language to the Students of Universities of Uzbekistan


  • Anastasiya Aleksandrovna Tkacheva Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages



sociocultural competence, Spanish language, Flipped Classroom technology, intercultural understanding, intercultural communication


This scientific article explores the use of Flipped Classroom technology for teaching socio-cultural competence in Spanish to students of universities of Uzbekistan. The author proposes an alternative approach to the study of the socio-cultural aspect of the Spanish language, based on the preliminary study of theoretical material outside the classroom and conducting active and interactive lessons in the classroom. The advantages of using Flipped Classroom technology and its role in the development of students' socio-cultural competence, such as intercultural understanding, communication skills and adaptability, was discussed in the article. In addition, the factors that should be considered when implementing this approach are considered. The author offers practical recommendations for the development of educational materials and the organization of the educational process based on Flipped Classroom technology.


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How to Cite

Tkacheva, A. A. . (2023). The Use of the Technology “Flipped Classroom” for Teaching Sociocultural Competence of Spanish Language to the Students of Universities of Uzbekistan. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(9), 36–42.