Impoliteness Strategy, Implicature and Discourse: a Pragma-Semantic Insights


  • Ashish Kumar Sonkar Research Scholar IIT Roorkee
  • Rashmi Gaur Prof, Professor Humanities and Social Science Department, IIT Roorkee



Impoliteness, Discourse, Implicature, Face, Conversation


This article explores the contrary or conflicting notion of politeness, i.e., impoliteness, and examines the functions of impoliteness in discourse and the relationship between impoliteness and implicature. Culpeper posits the concept of 'Impoliteness' to highlight the missing attributes in the previous model of politeness (Brown & Levinson, 1978 & 1987) and explains impoliteness as "communicative strategies designed to attack face, and thereby cause social conflict and disharmony" (Culpeper, 2011, p. 15). Communication cannot occur unless at least two agents are actively involved and linguistic and extra-linguistic communication elements are used according to contextual nuances. Therefore, pragmatic theories are immersed in communication and discourse; impoliteness and implicature are unavoidable and significant aspects of language and discourse. The present study is also concerned with the fact of whether the interlocuters in discourse respond to the impoliteness strategy by accepting the face attack or simply staying silent and not responding to it. In contrast, implicature is the intended or contextual connotation of the words uttered to determine what is implied and people's intended meaning of the utterance or discourse (Grice, 1957). As Grice stated, the speaker intends for the hearer to draw conclusions from various sources, such as the literal meaning of words, the speech situation, encyclopedic background knowledge, shared cultural models, and more. This study shows that in interactions, implicature and impoliteness serve to achieve specific goals, and there are reasons behind the use of every impolite act in discourse. Impoliteness does seek to offend interlocutors deliberately during the conversation using "blad on record." However, this study is descriptive and qualitative, and the data was collected from Alice Munro's short story collection, Too Much Happiness and Wood (Munro, 2010). The study is one of the first studies to analyze impoliteness strategies in several discourses of different genres. In a social milieu, 'Face' is the interlocutors' positive self-image or identity (Goffman, 1967), which can be threatened while interacting and using the impoliteness strategy.


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How to Cite

Sonkar, A. K. ., & Gaur, R. . (2023). Impoliteness Strategy, Implicature and Discourse: a Pragma-Semantic Insights. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(9), 6–23.