Statesmen, Cultural Figures Studied at the "Bukhara House of Education" and their Role in Conducting Spiritual and Educational Activities


  • Aslanov Madamin Mansurovich Independent researcher, Bukhara State University



Theater studios, House of Education, statesmen, spirituality, culture, Bukhara People's Soviet Republic, Uzbek Theater, development


This article discusses the statesmen and cultural workers who studied at the "Bukhara Educational House" and their role in the formation of spirituality and culture in the Bukhara People's Soviet Republic. It is scientifically and theoretically based on the fact that children from ordinary people made a great contribution to the development of education, economy and culture-spirituality in Uzbekistan as a result of their acquired knowledge.


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How to Cite

Mansurovich, A. M. . (2023). Statesmen, Cultural Figures Studied at the "Bukhara House of Education" and their Role in Conducting Spiritual and Educational Activities. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(9), 1–5.