Reflective Teaching as a Modern Tool for Professional Development


  • Ikramova Kamola Shuhratovna English teacher of the Presidential School in Samarkand



reflective, journal writing, reflective teaching, professional development


Reflective teaching is considered as an example of teachers’ professional development which involves constant analysis of your progress. When reflecting, you’re as a teacher collecting information about what goes on in your classroom. When analyzing and evaluating this new information, you can identify and explore your own practices and underlying beliefs, which may lead to changes and improvements in your teaching. The main aim of the article is to explore teachers’ reflection through journal writing and discuss the results of how journal writing had a positive potential in promoting a reflective practice. The qualities of reflective teacher, strategies for teachers to become a reflective teacher and journals a s tool to be reflective are discussed in the article.


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How to Cite

Ikramova Kamola Shuhratovna. (2023). Reflective Teaching as a Modern Tool for Professional Development. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(8), 20–22.