Fundamentals of Gender Psychology in Advertising Tests


  • Kholboboeva Aziza Sherboboevna In Philology (PhD) DSc student of UzSWLU



linguistic habits, cognitive understanding, a mental structure, scientific trend, feminist theory, expressive function


In the years of globalization, advertising, which has become a symbolic cultural phenomenon of modern society, is increasingly attracting the attention of modern linguists, and the description of advertising discourse is increasingly reflected in modern linguistic and cultural studies.

Gender psychology is a fairly new scientific trend, which not so long ago began to declare itself as an autonomous area of psychological teaching. More and more works that have appeared in psychological knowledge in recent years and were devoted to gender problems indicate the growing interest of scientists in this section of psychology. This is due to the fact that the information obtained by gender psychology is significant for all areas of practical activity, including in the media space. This article tries to discuss the main features, stages and fundamentals of gender psychology in advertising discource in linguistics.


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How to Cite

Sherboboevna, K. A. . (2023). Fundamentals of Gender Psychology in Advertising Tests. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(8), 6–9.