Growing Motivation in Students using Interactive Techniques in Teaching Foreign Languages


  • I. A. Egamberdiyeva Senior teacher of ASIFL
  • S. Akbarov Student of ASIFL



new pedagogical technologies, innovations, new pedagogical psychological concepts, modern teaching technologies, modern methodology, to create interest and motivation


In recent years, new pedagogical technologies, innovations, new pedagogical psychological concepts, which are rapidly entering the pedagogical science, the educational system, have radically changed the content of Education. It is required to organize students and students ' views on science from the point of view of creativity, to form the features of research in them, and to organize a lesson using new pedagogical technological methods. In this article we try to showcase using interactive technologies in teaching foreign languages in order to motivate students.


"General methodology of teaching foreign languages in secondary school" A.A. Miralyubov, V. Rahmonov, V.S. Tsetlin Tashkent 1974

"Methodology of foreign language teaching" J. Jalolov Tashkent. 1996

"Guide to foreign language teaching methodology" Tashkent 1986

"Methodology of English language teaching" O'. Hoshimov, I. Yakubov. Tashkent 2003




How to Cite

Egamberdiyeva, I. A., & Akbarov, S. (2023). Growing Motivation in Students using Interactive Techniques in Teaching Foreign Languages. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(4), 177–179.