Polysemantic Characteristics of Punctual Marks in Official Documents of English and Uzbek Languages


  • Zoyirova Dilfuza Khayriddinovna English Teacher of Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Navoi City, Uzbekistan




punctuation, melodies, morpheme, official documents, use of punctuation, Uzbek and English


Punctuation marks are of particular importance in improving the culture of writing and ensuring literacy. You know that the Department of linguistics, which teaches punctuation marks and instructions for their correct application in written speech, is called punctuation. Punctuation marks are inextricably linked with the syntactic construction of the language, and in the correct, expressive, clear statement of written speech, ensuring its methodological fluency, quick understanding, it is a necessary tool. This article sheds light on the fact that the punctuation marks originally applied were used to distinguish words and sentences from each other. In the speech of a particular language, it is mentioned about its function, the types of punctuation, in what places and in what order it is applied. In this article, we can discuss some information about polysemantic characteristics of punctual marks in official documents of English and Uzbek languages.


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How to Cite

Khayriddinovna, Z. D. . (2023). Polysemantic Characteristics of Punctual Marks in Official Documents of English and Uzbek Languages. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 150–156. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijllal.v2i3.1305