Comparative Analysis of Linguocultural Units in English and Uzbek Mass Media Texts


  • Yusupov Asror Assistant teacher of the department of Translation theory and practice Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages



Linguocultural units, cultural reference, mass media text, metaphors, comparative analysis, cultural norms


This study aims to provide a comparative analysis of linguocultural units in English and Uzbek mass media texts. Linguocultural units are defined as lexical units that reflect the cultural concepts, values, beliefs, and practices of a society. The study will analyze several examples of English and Uzbek mass media texts to identify and compare the types and frequency of linguocultural units used in the two languages. The findings of the study will contribute to a better understanding of the role of linguocultural units in mass media texts and the differences and similarities between English and Uzbek cultures. Additionally, the study may be useful for language learners and translators as it provides insights into the cultural features of the two languages.


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How to Cite

Asror, Y. . (2023). Comparative Analysis of Linguocultural Units in English and Uzbek Mass Media Texts. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 124–127.