The Derivative, Semiotic and Semantic Analysis of Proto-Indo-European Numerals


  • Shodiyev San’at Ergashevich Samarkand State Institute of foreign languages,140100, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Amonov Abdugani Telmanovich Samarkand State Institute of foreign languages,140100, Samarkand, Uzbekistan



icon, sign, symbol, form, meaning, biological need, social need, numerals


This article reveals about foundation of the graphic form and content of Proto-Indo-European numerals from the derivative, semantic and semiotic viewpoint, taking into account the significance of numerals in the public life. According to the author the numerals are social and sacred issue. Their main evolution movement starts from biological and social need of a man who formed them for counting and sharing, arranging object of reality. The man created structure and content from offhand things and parts of the body, it brings to ionizing of numerals, later to conventional symbols. Long time passed and at the present time here are people and scientists who consider them sacred, who naturally founded units. But here both factors are considered crucial for basis of numbers.         




How to Cite

Shodiyev San’at Ergashevich, & Amonov Abdugani Telmanovich. (2023). The Derivative, Semiotic and Semantic Analysis of Proto-Indo-European Numerals. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(8), 19–25.