Traditional Aspects of Pilgrimage Etiquette in Modern Uzbek Society


  • Aqchaev Farrukh Shavkatovich Dean of the Faculty of History of JSPU, Doctor of Philosophy in History, docent
  • Jonizakov Shahrukh Buriboy ugli JSPU, 3rd year student of the Faculty of History



customs, harmonious environment, pilgrimage, sign of hospitality, local customs, respect and reverence, politeness


This article examines the peculiarities of visiting etiquette in Uzbekistan. In addition, the customs, traditions and social norms that shape the guest-host dynamic are clarified. From the importance of a warm welcome to the art of gift-giving and the significance of shared meals, the intricate details that define the hospitality experience in this Central Asian masterpiece are revealed. By embracing these local characteristics, visitors can immerse themselves in the genuine warmth of the people of Uzbekistan and create unforgettable memories of their travels through the culturally rich and diverse nation. Apart from that, there is also talk about the unique tourist attractions of Samarkand.




How to Cite

Shavkatovich, A. F. ., & Buriboy ugli, J. S. . (2023). Traditional Aspects of Pilgrimage Etiquette in Modern Uzbek Society. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(6), 92–94.