Elements of Acting Skills the Uniqueness of Organizing Cultural Events


  • Sultanov Dostonbek Fergana regional branch of the State Institute of Art and Culture of Uzbekistan, 2nd stage student of Drama Theater Directing




direction, idea, emotional, press, stage, public, event


It is important to use the "association" method of using film fragments in cultural and public events. It often happens that the organizers cannot find a film that exactly and directly corresponds to the plot of the episode of the event. At this time, a film that can be connected with the content of the episode is selected. For example: at the party "Mothers are fighting for peace", a mother receives a letter about the death of her son. In this psychological state, the mother remembers her last meeting with her son. At the same time, a fragment from the film "Ballad of a Soldier" - a video of the mother's last meeting with her son Alyosha - is shown on the screen. This method, which requires creativity, creates a wide range of opportunities for the use of films and enriches the event.




How to Cite

Dostonbek, S. . (2023). Elements of Acting Skills the Uniqueness of Organizing Cultural Events. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(5), 103–105. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijise.v2i5.1733