In Different Different Cups Change in the Number of Fibers


  • Rajapova Umida Baxtiyarovna Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan)
  • Panjiev Aziz Rizakulovich Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan)
  • Usmonova Shakhnoza Anvarovna Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan)
  • Yuldasheva Mavluda To'ramuradovna Jizzakh Polytechnic Institute (Uzbekistan)
  • Ochilov Tulkin Ashurovich Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry (Uzbekistan)



juvoldoid beak, smooth surface, green color, in some forms with anthocyanin spots, elongated, ovoid, oil, fodder - Kunjara and Shelukha, buds in the axils of leaves on the main stem, long beak, small pit on top


in this article, research work was carried out on a farm in Karshi district. For him, a special 10x10 meter area was selected from the cotton field, cotton was picked from the first, 3th, 6th, 9th and 12th days of cotton and separated from the seed by hand. The number of fibers in the bag ripened for different periods was determined in the laboratory of the "Textile Materials Science" department.




How to Cite

Baxtiyarovna, R. U. ., Rizakulovich, P. A. ., Anvarovna, U. S. ., To’ramuradovna, Y. M. ., & Ashurovich, O. T. . (2023). In Different Different Cups Change in the Number of Fibers. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(2), 139–143.

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