The Risk of Cloud Accounting on the Quality of Financial Statements


  • Omar Hadi Ali University of Information Technology and Communications
  • Ibrahim Naeem Hasan University of Information Technology and Communications
  • Mohammed Shakour Ahmed University of Information Technology and Communications



Cloud Computing, Risks, Financial Reports


Cloud computing represents a significant advancement in technology, involving the migration of computer processors and storage areas to a virtual environment known as the cloud. In the realm of computing, including devices such as computers and smartphones, etc. The financial reports of companies contain crucial data for assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of these companies. The utilization of cloud computing in accounting involves the preparation of accounts and reports, including their information, through the use of an accounting program hosted by a third party on the Internet. This practice was not previously common. The former issue pertains to the informational and technological risks associated with the use of cloud computing in building information systems and preparing financial reports. The researcher concluded that the research hypothesis is valid, as evidenced by a correlation coefficient of 0.741. However, the researcher also noted that companies tend to overlook the potential risks involved in utilizing modern technology in cloud computing. Therefore, the researcher recommends the importance of considering and addressing these risks. Create financial reports using cloud computing apps and assess associated risks to assure the integrity and reliability of the reports and the information they include.


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How to Cite

Ali, O. H. ., Hasan, I. N., & Ahmed, M. S. (2024). The Risk of Cloud Accounting on the Quality of Financial Statements. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 3(3), 12–24.


