Composition, Preferences and Flow Pattern of Scrap Metal among Actors in Abia State, South Eastern, Nigeria


  • Okezue, N Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike
  • Ogbonna P.C. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.
  • Nzegbule, E. C. Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike.


scrap metals, scrap yards, ferrous metal, nonferrous metal, E-scrap


management and resource conservation while providing financial and livelihood gains. This study therefore investigated the flow of scrap metals among the actors and the proportion of scrap metals sold to recyclers in Abia State, South Eastern Nigeria, within twelve months. A total of ninety-six scrap yards were selected and sampled using stratified sampling techniques. Site-specific/output approach that involves the vehicle load sampling of scrap metals from the scrap yards to recyclers was employed to determine the volume of scrap metal taken to recyclers monthly. The findings identified the scrap collectors as the value providers and primary stakeholders on which the entire scrap metal recovery chain depends. An average of 1026.49±471.35, 1258.38±577.85, and 4.65±3.31tonnes for ferrous, nonferrous and E-scrap are sold to recyclers reducing the volume sent to landfills. A higher volume of scrap metal was recovered and sold to recyclers during the wet season. Nonferrous scrap metal is the most preferred scrap metals and accounts for 54.9% of scrap metal sold to recyclers. Scrap recycling is a sustainable approach to its management.




How to Cite

Okezue, N, Ogbonna P.C., & Nzegbule, E. C. (2024). Composition, Preferences and Flow Pattern of Scrap Metal among Actors in Abia State, South Eastern, Nigeria. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 3(1), 143–161. Retrieved from


