Crisis Management Leadership Study: Case Analysis Report


  • M. Isa. Anshori Management Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


Management, Leadership, Education, Cummunication


This article intends to examine the importance of conveying information in a timely manner, ensuring message clarity, and tailoring communications to suit the specific needs of the target audience. These factors are important to maintain transparency and trust during a crisis. The method used in this research is a literature study method by taking several articles in Scopus indexed journals based on the years 2010-2023, based on fields, and also based on foreign language articles. The analysis used in this research is literature review analysis. Data in the context of a literature review involves the systematic examination and synthesis of existing research findings and data related to a particular topic or research question. In the context of educational research. The results of this research emphasize the importance of leadership qualities such as empathy, adaptability, and clear communication in managing crises effectively. Leaders who demonstrate empathy and actively listen to the concerns and needs of their teams and stakeholders will be better prepared to provide necessary support and guidance during a crisis. They must prioritize clear and timely communications, leveraging multiple channels to reach all stakeholders and address potential misinformation or confusion. Additionally, leaders must be adaptable and open to changing circumstances, continually reassessing their strategy, and making necessary adjustments.




How to Cite

Anshori, M. I. . (2024). Crisis Management Leadership Study: Case Analysis Report. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 3(1), 85–92. Retrieved from


