Analogical And Digital Schematics: A Comprehensive Overview


  • Bozarov Farkhod Samadovich Senior teacher in University of Economics and Pedagogy, Non-governmental educational institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan
  • Mamatov Firdavs Dilshod ugli A second-year student of University of Economics and Pedagogy, Non-governmental educational institute, Karshi, Uzbekistan



In the realm of electronic engineering, schematics serve as fundamental blueprints for constructing electronic circuits. These pictorial representations of circuit components and their interconnections provide a clear understanding of the circuit's functionality and facilitate its design, analysis, and troubleshooting. Two primary types of schematics exist: analogical and digital. Analogical schematics depict circuits that process continuous-time signals, while digital schematics represent circuits that handle discrete-time signals. Both analogical and digital schematics play crucial roles in designing and implementing a vast array of electronic devices, ranging from simple audio amplifiers to complex computer processors.




How to Cite

Bozarov Farkhod Samadovich, & Mamatov Firdavs Dilshod ugli. (2023). Analogical And Digital Schematics: A Comprehensive Overview. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 2(11), 160–136.