Determinant Factors of Livelihood Shifts Fisherman in North Gorontalo District in The Faceclic Season


  • Melky Aprizal Postgraduate Program Master of Marine Science, State University of Gorontalo
  • Femy M. Sahami Postgraduate Program Master of Marine Science, State University of Gorontalo
  • Syamsuddin Postgraduate Program Master of Marine Science, State University of Gorontalo



Determinant Factors, livelihood shifts, fishermen


North Gorontalo is one of the regencies whose position is directly adjacent to the Sulawesi Sea, so it is rich in marine products. The amount of natural resources in the fisheries and marine sector in North Gorontalo Regency has not been able to improve the welfare of fishermen, especially outboard boat fishermen. This is caused by economic conditions that are not sufficient to buy sophisticated fishing gear and motorized boats. Fishermen can be divided into three categories, namely full-time fishermen, main part-time fishermen and additional part-time fishermen. Fishermen in North Gorontalo Regency are dominated by fishermen in the category of full-time fishermen, whose entire lives are fishermen and do not have other jobs. The research aims to identify the factors that influence the shift in fishermen's livelihoods in North Gorontalo Regency when the famine season arrives and to find out how the economic conditions of the fishing communities in North Gorontalo Regency after changing livelihoods. The research was conducted in March-June 2023, located in the coastal area of Sumalata District, Biau District and Tolinggula District, North Gorontalo Regency, Gorontalo Province. As for the indicators used to determine the level of welfare, namely by using indicators of a prosperous family. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that most fishing communities who are respondents know when the fishing season changes cycle with a percentage value of 87.9%. According to 95, 5% of respondents, wave and wind seasons are very influential on the amount of income and catches. The absence of the government's role in providing counseling related to alternative livelihoods is the main problem for supporting the fishermen's economy during the lean season according to 93.2% of fishermen respondents.            Based on the analysis of welfare levels using BPS indicators, it was concluded that fishing communities in Sumalata, Biawu and Tolinggula Districts, North Gorontalo Regency were included in the moderate welfare category with a score of 2.40.




How to Cite

Melky Aprizal, Femy M. Sahami, & Syamsuddin. (2023). Determinant Factors of Livelihood Shifts Fisherman in North Gorontalo District in The Faceclic Season. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 2(6), 123–134.