The Importance of Archaisms and Historicisms in Filling in the Lexical Gaps in the Uzbek Literary Language


  • Mаjidоvich Khаsаnоv Аbdumаnnоn Doktorant Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan



lexical gap, historical words, filling lexical gap, nameless concept, nominalization, archaicization, diachronic lexicon, synchronic lexicon


This study is focused on filling the gaps in the language lexicon with historical words. One of the important tasks of linguistics is to find words from historical sources that can fill lexical gaps and to mobilize them to name a certain important concept today. For example, the preservation of a language with a stable lexical fund over centuries depends on the commonality and regularity of the diachronic and synchronic lexicon. Through this article, attention was paid to studying the issues of enriching the lexicon of the Uzbek language with internal sources and the problems of reactivating historical words in the lexicon of the language in this process. Some comments were expressed about the possibilities of naming concepts - lexical spaces, which are not representative of some words used in the historical period. Some opinions were also expressed about the archaicization of some words that were used in the historical period and have ceased to be used today, and the factors that cause this. As the goal of the study, important recommendations were made to popularize such words in today's speech processes and thereby reactivate them in the language lexicon. By describing the linguistic and social significance of the analyzed words, their linguistic significance today was shown. Through the method of semantic analysis and comparison, the privileged aspects of these words in filling lexical gaps were described, and recommendations were developed to include them in the standard dictionaries of the literary language. The national and practical importance of reactivating such historical words in the language lexicon was emphasized.




How to Cite

Аbdumаnnоn M. K. . (2023). The Importance of Archaisms and Historicisms in Filling in the Lexical Gaps in the Uzbek Literary Language. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 2(6), 91–101.