Development of Teachers' Moral Competence is the Demand of the Times


  • Qosimova Ozoda Xudoynazarovna Samarkand State Medical University, Pedagogy and associate professor of psychology, p. f. f. d. (PhD)
  • Nizamkulov Shohijahon Azamat o’g’li Student of Samarkand State Medical University



Teacher, task, student, education, training, information, characteristic, behavior


The main task of pedagogues is to educate students. In addition to communicating the information students need to learn in a beautiful and understandable way, educators are also responsible for working with students with different characteristics and behaviors. Also, if the pedagogue learns the behavior of his students well, the teaching process will be successful.

The profession of teaching is to encourage students to realize their potential. Although there are many ways to become an experienced pedagogue, in this article, the process of training and retraining of pedagogues, as well as the development of pedagogical skills of pedagogues, the effective conduct of education and training, and the further improvement of their spiritual competence, are of significant scientific and practical importance. done.




How to Cite

Xudoynazarovna, Q. O. ., & o’g’li, N. S. A. . (2023). Development of Teachers’ Moral Competence is the Demand of the Times. American Journal of Science and Learning for Development, 2(5), 57–59.