Structural-Semantic and Linguo-Cultural Features of Commercial Terminology


  • Akramov Bekzod Qahramonovich Teacher of the department of french philology of Bukhara State University faculty of foreign languages



Literature, theory, terminology, the phenomena, scientific term, the definition


This article about structural-semantic and linguo-cultural features of commercial terminology. Terms make up a significant part of the vocabulary of the national language; therefore, terminological studies occupy one of the leading places in domestic and foreign linguistics in recent decades. The study of the set of terms in specific scientific areas is the science of terms - terminology - one of the important areas of lexicology.


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How to Cite

Qahramonovich, A. B. . (2023). Structural-Semantic and Linguo-Cultural Features of Commercial Terminology. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 103–107.