The Representation of the Limited Lexicon in French Language in Works of Art


  • Akhmedova Gulnoza Khayotovna Teacher of the Department of French Philology of Bukhara State University



lexicon, function, semantics, diversity, language, philosopher, form


In this article we wrote the representation of the limited lexicon in French language in the works of art and of a lexicon is very variable and depends in particular on the diversity of the fields of knowledge or techniques that it allows to express.. The extent of the lexicon known or used by each person also varies greatly, depending on background but also on life stories and situations. The often fundamental differences between the lexicons of different languages pose an essential problem of translation, without a general solution.


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How to Cite

Khayotovna, A. G. . (2023). The Representation of the Limited Lexicon in French Language in Works of Art. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 99–102.