Concept and Word, the Lexical Meaning of This Word


  • Badalova Sevilya Akhmatovna Student of the Faculty of Preschool and Primary Education, Samarkand State University



Word meaning, concept, lexical meaning, types of lexical meanings, polysemy, direct and figurative sense


The paper discloses the depth and multicity of aspects of lexical meaning of the word as a lexicon phenomenon, as well as sheds light on types of lexical meanings of words and gives their characteristics. The lexical meaning of the word is related to concept, is specified and concretized as a part of the phrase and sentence. It has been established that information on a lexical meaning of the word, put in the text by the authors, does not remain invariable. It is characteristic of every period of lexicon development.


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How to Cite

Akhmatovna, B. S. . (2023). Concept and Word, the Lexical Meaning of This Word. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 96–98.